Saturday 28 August 2010


Bahan-bahan ( 10 org ):

1 kilo ikan kembung/ selayang
500 g tepung kanji/ubi @ seeloknya tepung sagu
sedikit garam
beberapa ketul kiub ais/air batu
Air secukupnya (agak2 le)


Asingkan isi ikan dari tulangnya, kemudian tumbuk @ cincang halus2.
Sambil tumbuk halus isi ikan tadi masukkan kiub ais/ air batu tadi sikit demi sikit.
Gaulkan tepung bersama dengan isi ikan tadi sambil masukkan sedikit garam dan air ( agak2 le).
Akhir sekali uli bahan2 tadi bentuk kan menjadi bulat memanjang dan rebus kedalam air mendidih. bila dah timbul angkat , sejukkan dan bolehlah goreng dan makan..

* ada orang modified guna 300gm tepung ubi + tepung gandum. katanya menjadi.


1 kg fish (ikan parang or ikan kembung)
500g sago flour
Salt to taste
125ml water
Some ice-cubes
1 or 2 pandan leaves

Clean the fish thoroughly, remove its intestines and chop off its head and tail, leaving the body intact.

Make slits along both sides of the fish, then scrape off the meat; discard the bones. Pound, chop or mince the meat finely, adding salt to taste.

Add some ice cubes and continue mincing the fish meat. Add sago flour and water. Stir the mixture until it becomes a soft dough.

Dip your hand in the sago flour and roll the dough into a cylindrical shape.

Boil a potful of water. Add in one or two knotted pandan leaves. Drop the keropok lekor into the boiling water.

Wait for it to float and remove with a slotted spoon. Set aside to cool.

Cut the pieces diagonally into thin slices. Dry in the sun thoroughly, then deep-fry in hot oil.

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